About the Founder

My journey begin in early 2019. I desperately wanted to have a stronger and more meaningful relationship with God. I began reading my Bible daily, and in doing so, I realized that I did not always rely on my FAITH, nor did I PRAY as often as I should, and I definitely did not always TRUST God.

Many times, I have used my own rationale to resolve issues that I should have just trusted God to intercede on my behalf. I am sure many can relate to doing the same thing! I am a work in progress, there are times that I fall short, but I know there is a reward for those like me who sincerely seek Him.

Faith Pray Trust was birthed because I knew if I genuinely wanted to be closer to God, I had to first have Faith in God, consistently Pray to God, and Trust God with everything at ALL times. I created this Brand (which I wear almost everyday! LOL) to serve as a daily reminder that although God is always with me, I must in turn always be with Him. I must uphold my end of the covenant that He has given me.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. TOGETHER we will get BETTER! 
